Age of empires 2 sprites
Age of empires 2 sprites

Donnie has a good thread about this here.Ĭosts Determines how much and of what the research costs in game to purchase it.Ĭost type The type of in game goods or abilities that the research costs. E.g If Icon A has button 1 it is before Icon B which has button 2. Changing the number will result in a different icon graphic for the research.īutton Button determines the order of icons that you click to research. Icon This number is the icon graphic for when you click the research. Research Time The number you input here determines in seconds how long the research will take. Type Determines what type of research is neccessary this really does not need to be changed but kept at 0.

age of empires 2 sprites

However if it was 1 then only one of the researches would be necessary before Elite Tarkan could be researched. The number you input here decides how many other researches are needed before this research can be researched(tongue twister ) E.g Tarkan only requires "Imperial age" and "Tarkan made available" so the number input is 2. If you wished everyone to be able to research your technology select none(-1) In this case only Huns can research Elite Tarkans. E.g Tarkan's research location is Castleįull tech mode Enabling this or disabling this changes the value to either 1 or 0(1 for enabled and vice versa) What this does is either enables the research when full tech mode is clicked in game or disables it in full tech mode.Ĭivilization This is where you choose which civilizations can recieve the research. Research Location This is the location where you wish the technology to be researched from. Technology This is the technology that you would like to be researched E.g Imperial age is needed before you can research Elite Tarkan. Required Researches This field is the researches required before the research you are creating can be researched. Language DLL Description This is essentially the same as Name except it edits the description instead. There are also many programs you can use to edit these names. If you change the number the name will change. Language DLL Name- This one is found in the Language.dll file and it makes names visible in game. Name-Elite Tarkan - This one is pretty straight forward We will start from the top from researches now and will use "Elite Tarkan" as our example.

age of empires 2 sprites

As an example "Elite Tarkan" uses technology (454) which is called CHUN4 and under the technologies tab we can see that CHUN4 has the effects Upgrade Unit 755(Tarkan) to 757(Elite Tarkan). Click onto "Researches"ĭefinition: What researches does is enable you to take technologies and put them into a research. There are tabs near the top of the program from right to left starting with General.

Age of empires 2 sprites